Email adresi: yesiltas@sakarya.edu.tr
Graduated from Sakarya University, Department of International Relations, in 2003.
Gained master degree at the same department on the subject of humanitarian intervention
and critical theory. Currently studingy on a dissertation project related to
"geopolitical mentality and the military in Turkey" from the perspective of
pos-structuralist discourse notion particularly inspried by Foucault. More precisely, the
project focuses on the text, dicourse and metaphor in the context of the Turkey's
geographical excaptionalism contructed by the military in Turkey.
My researches in the areas of geopolitics,political geography, critical theory, Turkey
and international affairs,Turkish foreign policy and the Middle East.
I am also currently working on edited book project titled "locating Turkey:imagined
geographies, competing narratives" with Pınar Bilgin and Sezgi Durgun.
I am an Asst. Prof. at Department of IR at Sakarya University and assistant editor of
Bilgi is a peer-reviewed social science journal published for over a decade. I am also
working at the Center for Strategic Research in the Ministy of Foreign Affairs of Turkey.
BSc. Sakarya Üniversitesi, Department of International Relations, June 2003
MA. Sakarya Üniversitesi, Institute of Social Science, Department of International
Relations, June 2006
Ph.D Sakarya Universitesi, Institute of Social Science, Department of Public
Administration, 2006-2007 (Course Period)
Ph.D Marmara University, Department of Political Science and International Relations,
Visiting Ph.D Student, Lancaster University DELC/European Studies, United Kingdom,
October 2008-July 2009
Visiting PhD Student, Virginia Tech State University, Government and International
Affairs, USA